IMOCA AGM changes in the open 60 racing world
The 2 day IMOCA AGM was hosted by F.N.O.B in Barcelona with skippers and designers from the open 60 racing world gathered together to improve through experience and discussion.
The AGM was attended by Boatshed Performance's Partner Merfyn Owen, of Owen Clarke Desgin LTD specialists in performance sailboat design, has summed up the main areas of the AGM below.
IMOCA changes
Safety and Reliability of IMOCA boats
IMOCA Race calander
New board of IMOCA
The decisions taken in the IMOCA AGM have been taken with the aim of ensuring reliability of the boats, skipper safety and maintaining a competitive level within the older generation of boats. There was a noticeable and general consensus that these were the priorities facing the IMOCA Class.
Dominique Wavre, President of the Class said "the resolutions that have been adopted are very important and I can assure you that it has been an extraordinary assembly." Dominique was pleased with the two intense days of hard work that the IMOCA members undertook in Barcelona. Since the gruelling Vendée Globe there have been high expectations regarding the new rule changes adopted by the Class, a Class made up of many of the best sailors in the world. "All members are in agreement that the Class needs to continue evolving in order to ensure the success of the Vendée Globe and to offer all skippers, sponsors and followers a good race programme. As we have done up until now. We also need to confront the present economic crisis with a spirit that will ensure the highest possible number of boats at the start of races."
Measures of safety and reliability
With the above mentioned aims in mind, the assembly considered it very important to limit the differences in speed of new boats versus old ones. 3 measure s were voted and agreed on:
To limit the number of sails to 10 (no matter how many crew onboard)
To limit the number of appendages to 5 (1 keel, 2 rudders, and 2 dagger boards.) And to establish a maximum mast height.
This last resolution will also improve safety in the sense that it will limit the strength of the power of the masts. This measure is a direct result of the number of breakages in the Vendée Globe. In this respect measures will be studied to make the use of the boom easier when setting up a jury rig. This will also allow for more manoeuvrability in the case of the loss of a mast. The problem of keels has also led to a decision to introduce new obligatory keel tests of tortion, bending and vibration, which will help to avoid dramatic retirements.
With regard to the safety of the skippers, Wavre reminded us all of Yann Elias' experience in which he broke his femur and was unable to reach his first aid kit and other emergency elements. "We are going to try to make it easier for wounded sailors to have improved access to their emergency kits and we will adapt the rules accordingly." Technical measures will also be evaluated in the case of capsizes to avoid the transom remaining under water, thus preventing the skipper to be able to exit through the emergency hatch as in Jean Le Cam's case."
The members of the assembly also agreed that there is a need to develop new technology especially with regard to sustainable energy systems. One of the future rules will permit the development of electrical engines that will function through wind, solar or hydrodynamic generators, with which the IMOCA boats are already equipped.
The race calendar has also been defined. The most awaited decision was confirmation of the European Pro Tour starting from Istanbul with stopovers in Nice, Barcelona, a UK port (to be confirmed) and Brest. The other regattas in the calendar will be the Transat Jacques Vabre, the Route Du Rhum, The Barcelona World Race and the Vendée Globe.
The new board of IMOCA was also voted and agreed on as follows: President Dominique Wavre; Vice Presidents Pascal Chadail and Jacques Guilbaud; Secretary General Bernard Stamm. Technical committee: President Pascal Chadail. Events Committee: President Jean Le Cam. To complete the Executive Committee Yann Eliès and Alex Thomson. Treasurer Luc Talbourdet.
IMOCA would like to extend its sincere gratitude to F.N.O.B. for hosting the meetings and providing such warm Catalonian hospitality, which culminated in a celebration party to honour the newly appointed IMOCA World Champion Armel le Cleac'h.
Bon chance!