American Tug 41

Alaska vet with many upgrades
US$765,000.00 (Approx €700,681)
  • Bateau REF#  ·  340645
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  12.50m
  • Année  ·  2007
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Semi-deplacement
  • Couchettes  ·  5
  • Moteur  ·  1 x gasoil 540cv, Cummins 8.3 QSC (2007)
  • Visible à  ·  Anacortes, WA USA - Shown by Appointment
Boatshed Seattle
Boatshed Seattle
Kevin Dolan

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte Lynn Senour
Chantier Tomco Marine Group
Visible à Anacortes, WA USA - Shown by Appointment
Capacité carburant 2,909.1 L Total - 2 Cuve(s)
Capacité d'eau 909.1 L Total - 2 Cuve(s)
Capacité réservoir eaux noires 272.7 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)


Moteur 1 x gasoil 540cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur Cummins 8.3 QSC (2007)
Heures moteur moteur1= 3390
Refroidi par Indirect
Barre barre à roue
Transmission arbre d'hélice
Hélice(s) 5-Blade class S tuned propeller (Corder des coupeurs)
Consommation carburant (approx) Inconnu
Vitesse de croisière 8 noeuds
Vitesse Max 15 noeuds
Puissance groupe 9KVA
Heures de générateur 1954
Pièces de rechange moteur

The Cummins 8.3 liter common rail diesel is a reliable engine used in many industrial applications. This engine has had regular service its whole life. The sellers have been on a first name relationship with their Cummins mechanic since before they purchased this boat. Beyond fluid changes, the coolers have been removed and cleaned regularly as well as fuel system and injector service. The engine area is clean and a pleasant place to be, this helps make performing the service a joyful and satisfying experience. A Reverso oil change system helps make sure changing fluids is quick and clean. A redundant Glendinning System was fitted in 2023. It provides a backup in case the something happens to the engine's throttle or gear controls.


Longeur hors tout 12.50m
LOD 12.50m
Longeur flottaison 11.51m
Bau 4.82m
Tirant d'eau Min 1.46m
Tirant d'eau Max 1.46m
Tirant d'Air 5.49m
Deplacement 14,515kg
Hauteur sous barrots 2.01m
Stationnement Marina

Systèmes électriques

12 / 24 batterie volts, 110 / 240 générateur de volt, 240 tension d'alimentation à quai, 6 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, prise de quai, groupe électrogène


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Semi-deplacement
Finition Gelcoat finition

Total LOA for moorage is 45'6".

American Tugs have been built in LaConner, Washington USA for a quarter century. They combine top notch fiberglass work with top quality craftsmanship, and well thought-out systems. This vessel is the 41 model that is currently marketed as the American Tug 435.

This boat has been kept under cover her entire life and shows few signs of fading and age. Her owners have upgraded many systems to keep her up to date with developments in products and avoid breakdowns while in remote areas.

Waterline Boats / Boatshed does not independently verify capacities and measures, which are reported from seller-provided information and/or literature.


Nombre total de couchages 5
Nombre de lits doubles 2
Nombre de lits simples 1
Cabines 2
Lavabo 2
Douche 2
Climatisation 1 Climatisation Unités
Toilettes 2 Toilettes (électrique)

This vessel's interior has been designed to be comfortable for extended living aboard. The saloon features large windows that bring in lots of light. The open interior layout is nice for small groups. An L-shape settee on starboard functions well for cocktails, dining, or can convert to a double bunk. Forward on port is the U-shaped galley with solid surface countertops. The galley refrigerator/freezer combo is a NovaKool RF9200 double compressor model replaced in 2023. Another smaller refrigerator and additional ice maker are located in the pilothouse. Cooking can be with the Force 10 propane stove or Panasonic microwave (replaced in 2023). Additionally there is a Magma Catalina grill (replaced 2022) in the cockpit. Forward on starboard is the entertainment center with updated TV, stereo, and sound bar. All of the interior wood finishes are made of jatoba hardwood and have been recently renewed with oil.

Walking up a few steps to the pilothouse you will notice a benefit of the "Tug" design is her hollow stack, which opens up the space between the saloon and pilothouse. The pilothouse is large and open with great sightlines for commanding the vessel. There are sliding doors on port and starboard for deck access and a table and settee have seating for 3. Navigation electronics are mounted in the dash and overhead with easy access from the helm.

Down a stairwell to starboard is access to the two sleeping cabins and two heads. First is the guest stateroom in the bow. This cabin has both a double and a twin bunk and features a private head and shower. The guest cabin is also the location of a full size chart drawer, washer and dryer, and access to the more storage and systems like the bow thruster.

The master stateroom is down a few more steps towards mid ships. It has a walk-around queen berth, large closet, and numerous drawers. A large private head and shower are along the starboard side.

All spaces are heated with an Espar forced air heater that is ducted throughout the boat. Additionally, three King 110volt heaters keep her warm when connected to dock side power. Climate control is additionally aided by an OceanAire reverse-cycle unit for the master cabin.

3 feux(s) gaz cuisinière


Chauffage de cabine
Système d'eau sous pression
Système d'eau chaude
Pompe eau douce de pont
Pompe eau de mer de pont
Douche cockpit
Machine à glacons
Four à micro-ondes
Machine à laver
Sèche linge

This vessel's interior has been designed to be comfortable for extended living aboard. The saloon features large windows that bring in lots of light. The open interior layout is nice for small groups. An L-shape settee on starboard functions well for cocktails, dining, or can convert to a double bunk. Forward on port is the U-shaped galley with solid surface countertops. The galley refrigerator/freezer combo is a NovaKool RF9200 double compressor model replaced in 2023. Another smaller refrigerator and additional ice maker are located in the pilothouse. Cooking can be with the Force 10 propane stove or Panasonic microwave (replaced in 2023). Additionally there is a Magma Catalina grill (replaced 2022) in the cockpit. Forward on starboard is the entertainment center with updated TV, stereo, and sound bar. All of the interior wood finishes are made of jatoba hardwood and have been recently renewed with oil.

Walking up a few steps to the pilothouse you will notice a benefit of the "Tug" design is her hollow stack, which opens up the space between the saloon and pilothouse. The pilothouse is large and open with great sightlines for commanding the vessel. There are sliding doors on port and starboard for deck access and a table and settee have seating for 3. Navigation electronics are mounted in the dash and overhead with easy access from the helm.

Down a stairwell to starboard is access to the two sleeping cabins and two heads. First is the guest stateroom in the bow. This cabin has both a double and a twin bunk and features a private head and shower. The guest cabin is also the location of a full size chart drawer, washer and dryer, and access to the more storage and systems like the bow thruster.

The master stateroom is down a few more steps towards mid ships. It has a walk-around queen berth, large closet, and numerous drawers. A large private head and shower are along the starboard side.

All spaces are heated with an Espar forced air heater that is ducted throughout the boat. Additionally, three King 110volt heaters keep her warm when connected to dock side power. Climate control is additionally aided by an OceanAire reverse-cycle unit for the master cabin.

3 feux(s) gaz cuisinière

Accastillage de pont

Parre battages
Echelle de bain
Couvertures d'instruments
Propulseur arrière
Propulseur d'étrave

électrique Lofrans Tigres guindeau
2 ancre(s)
140.21m de chaîne
3.05m de bout
AB annexe (2011)
(Semi rigide)
30CV hors-bord, Honda, Court arbre d'hélice (2011)
During their cruising the owners have tried multiple anchors and have been very satisfied with a 66# Rocna Anchor and all-chain rode.

Equipement de Navigation

Pilote automatique
Feux de navigation
Fish Finder
Booster WiFi

KVH, Starlink, Pepwave

Navigation electronics were upgraded in 2021 with new Garmin 8600 series chart plotters and GMI 10 multi-function displays, Simrad AP50 autopilot, FLIR infrared camera and Airmar depth transducers. Additional cameras are mounted on the mast and in the cockpit and connected to the chart plotters. The radios are twin Icom 502 VHF and she broadcasts and receives AIS via a Garmin transponder. Long range WiFi and Cellular internet are through a Pepwave router but also Starlink was added in 2024. KVH satellite dish brings in Direct TV with subscription allowing premium TV channels to be enjoyed at high latitudes.

Equipement de Sécurité

Détecteur de fuite de gaz
Détecteur de fuel
Carbon Monoxide detector
Radeau de sauvetage
Gilets de sauvetage
Bouées couronnes
Harnais de sécurité
Echelle d'embarquement
MOB Système

3 pompes de cale (0 manuel / 3 électrique)

Commentaires du Broker

Fastidiously maintained. This boat is ready to cruise the Inside Passage immediately. Over the past decade plus of stewardship, her owners have added many thoughtful upgrades and proactively replaced systems, not waiting for parts to wear out or break. The result has been years of trouble free cruising and a vessel that is ready to go cruising again this coming season. Sellers are leaving boating and the buyers of this boat will have the first option to purchase the vessel's private slip in Anacortes, Washington.

Note: Details subject to contract. Offers on the asking price will be considered.

Lorsque les détails ci-dessous donnent des détails sur un bateau, qu'il soit neuf ou d'occasion, ils sont destinés à donner une description juste du navire mais ne sont pas garantis comme exacts ou complets. Ils ne feront partie d'aucune offre ou contrat de vente du navire. Il est recommandé à l'acheteur potentiel de vérifier indépendamment les détails et le navire. Le vendeur ne vend pas dans le cadre d'une entreprise, sauf indication contraire. Les biens personnels sont exclus de la vente du navire à moins qu'ils ne soient spécifiquement inclus dans les spécifications d'inscription ci-dessus ou dans un contrat d'achat. Les biens personnels peuvent être des équipements ou des engins qui ne sont pas fixés en permanence au navire, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter : des œuvres d'art, du matériel de divertissement, du matériel de pêche, des récepteurs de télévision, du matériel de loisirs, des kayaks, des outils et des appareils personnels. Les photos qui peuvent accessoirement représenter les biens personnels des propriétaires ne signifient pas que ces articles sont inclus dans la vente du navire à moins que ces articles ne soient spécifiquement énumérés ici. À tout moment, lorsque les détails ci-dessous donnent des détails sur un nouveau bateau et/ou un nouveau bateau à fournir/construire par un constructeur/fabricant, ou un bateau à affréter, via notre introduction, nous ne garantissons ni n'assumons la responsabilité de l'exactitude ou la fiabilité de toute information fournie par des sociétés tierces à cet égard, y compris, sans s'y limiter, les nouveaux constructeurs/constructeurs de bateaux, les sociétés de charter et/ou les sociétés/entreprises qui sont des « Amis de Boatshed ». Nous ne serons pas responsables de, ou partie à, toute transaction, contrat ou accord entre vous et ces tiers fournisseurs de produits ou services et il vous incombe de vérifier ces détails directement auprès de ces entités et de conclure un contrat avec elles à votre seule discrétion. discrétion et selon des conditions que vous acceptez.